Sunday, November 1, 2009

CUE coffee break (9:00-12:00 am on Oct 17)

I had a good time to participate in CUE coffe break. This a small group meeting, but I felt so comfortable to meet them. What I learned from Coffee Break

First, I made my own avatar. If you want to try it, go to And then, I learned how to make interactive poster. Go to
You will learn how to insert text, hyperlink, images, audio, video, and special effects.
I got the lesson which learning is a motivational creative expression. Such an activity inspires students and teachers to be storytellers. I will try to make a poster for students by combining glogstar and DE streaming builders.
You can enjoy lots of information the following link.


In addition, to check domain Name, you can go to

Thank you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

I learned Bloom's Taxonomy before, and I think it is still in the education. Yes. However, I was suprised that I got the Bloom's digital Taxonomy from the class, it is very different than I learned. Above all, all verbes are changed from listing, summarising, using, organising, critiquing, making to debating, net meeting, networking, posting, emailing, twittring, and so on.

After reading Bloom's digital taxonomy, I should keep in mind the new digital activities for the Digital generation. If I have chance to teach students, I will use Digital Activities as the text said.

Would you read it ?

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Essential Learning with Digital Tool

This site from Bernajean can make us easy to understand why teachers use educational technology.

Capturing our History-making journey with Educational Technology

The Art of Telling Digital Stories

I learned from this site that it is important for students' essential learning with digital tools.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Charter and Discovery Education Day of Discovery

I was so glad to attend the outstanding Day of Discovery in September 19. I learned new direction and got a lot of useful information and resources. Among them, I was so excited to see Discovery Education streaming plus. I have known it is easier to get video clips in related to language arts, math and science or devise your own ideas from this. I was surprised that it has a mount of valuable resources to integrate video clips into class. For instance, if we have Green unit, we get useful movies depending on grade levels. Moreover, we can make quiz builder to review standards. Obviously, it is priceless for us to use writing prompt, clip art to get high quality images. Above all, I was so impressed by that, we could listen to streaming regarding on subjects for elementary and middle school students. Listed below is the title of Discovery Education streaming to check why I like this part.

50 Ways to use Discovery Education streaming

Overall, when I sat a chair in the room 207 at first, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere. I felt passion for education of the American future. All teachers were eager for learning new tech stuff and discussing about solving the current problems. Even though I could not understand all what they said, I could follow the outline of the day. What I realized on that day is the scientific American mind. I have learned the strength of American education to empower next generation. Nevertheless, I am wondering if how many teachers use materials such as Discover streaming resources or not in class now. I hope all teachers will continue to learn diverse thematic subjects and try to use them effectively for kids.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pros vs cons hypermedia in class

I've just know the difference between multimedia and hypermedia. I am certain that hypermedia can cooperate in better class project and bring opportunity to get creativity. Nevertheless, I am a little bit afraid of using them in class. I would worry about ease of use in front of class. I really want to make a fantastic class, but it would take longer than real time. Since I am not happy about the technological improvement, it hard to say I agree with hypermedia in class. However, I will try to make a good case in class at best. I will have learned that this semester.

Multimedia Vs. Hypermedia

Definition of multimedia and hypermedia

Multimedia means that there are multiple mediums of communications working together to send messages within a given presentation. These include audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (e.g. text, graphics drawings, and images). Multimedia as a word resonates with 90's buzzwords associated with the tech and dot-com booms. Media, already in plural form, required no modifier grammatically, but sloganeers found the term to be useful in providing the powerful draw of the "newness" of new media and technology business.

Example :*Windows media center (an entire computer dedicated to multimedia)
*Apple iphone (An all in one multimedia, communication and organization device)
*Xbox360 (not only a game console, but a device that can be used to listen to music, play movies, videos, browse the internet, download many types of files, network with other computers to stream media, and can be paired with many accessories that emphasize multimedia through human interaction)

Hypermedia is a term created by Ted Nelson, and used in his 1965 article Complex information processing: a file structure for the complex, the changing and the indeterminate. “It is used as a logical extension of the term hypertext, in which graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks intertwine to create a generally non-linear medium of information. This contrasts with the broader term multimedia, which may be used to describe non-interactive linear presentations as well as hypermedia. The difference should also be noted with hypergraphics or super-writing which is a Lettrist form from the 1950s which systemises creativity across disciplines.”
The World Wide Web is a classic example of hypermedia, whereas a non-interactive cinema presentation is an example of standard multimedia due to the absence of hyperlinks.

shortly, What is the difference between hypermedia & multimedia?
Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (e.g. text, graphics drawings, and images).

Hypermedia, a term derived from hypertext, extends the notion of the hypertext link to include links among any set of multimedia objects, including sound, motion video, and virtual reality.

Resources :